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The Portuguese Surf School Association (AESP) will continue the pioneering project at the national level, started in 2021, which aims to contribute to the enhancement of surf schools and help regulate the sector, by awarding a quality seal.

At a time when there is a continuous growth in wave sliding activities and the consequent increase in the number of teaching operators, there is a need to create a tool that allows distinguishing those who, in addition to the legal requirements, also meet the criteria of Quality and safety.

Thus, in 2021, the first Surf School Quality Certificate emerged, created with the aim of encouraging surf schools to adopt good performance practices, focused on providing quality services in safety, based on principles of fair competition. It's healthy. By awarding a quality seal, the aim is to reward Schools that meet specific Quality and Safety requirements, in order to differentiate and enhance these operators in an increasingly differentiated and competitive market.

To become certified members, surf schools will have to comply with specific requirements, with emphasis on the obligation to be licensed by the Municipality and/or Captaincies throughout the year, to have a working relationship with the Coaches and to prove their participation in rescue training. water, first aid and/or Basic Life Support, within the last 3 years, from at least one of the Coaches team members.

Certified members will also receive a complete Quality Certificate Kit, including Surfer Cards to differentiate your student's levels. The regulation of operation and adhesion to the Certificate, as well as the Code of Conduct and Safety, the Surfer Card and other relevant documents about the certification, can be consulted here.

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